首页> 中文期刊> 《传染病信息》 >人体微生态与疾病的研究现状和展望




人体定植着数目庞大、结构复杂的微生物群落,其基因总和称之为人体微生物组。人体微生物在与宿主共进化过程中形成共生关系,在调节宿主的消化吸收、代谢和免疫反应等各方面发挥重要作用。人体微生物与多种疾病如感染性疾病、肥胖症、糖尿病、肝病、冠心病以及肿瘤等存在密切关系。目前人体微生物在多种疾病的发生发展中的作用机制研究尚处于初级阶段,虽然国际上人体微生态与疾病关系的研究日趋白热化,但是人体微生态研究领域中有很多关键技术和问题尚须要深入探索。%A large number of complex microbial communities are colonizing in many parts of the human body, the whole microbial genes of which are defined as human microbiome. The symbiosis has formed in the co-evolution between human microflora and the host, in which microflora plays an important role in regulating digestion, absorption, immune response and metabolism of the host. Human microecology is closely related to many human diseases such as infections, obesity, diabetes, liver diseases, coronary heart diseases, tumor, etc. At present, the mechanism research of human microbiota in the development of a variety of diseases remaining in the early stage. The relationship between human microecology and diseases has become the research focus, there still exist many key technologies and issues to be further explored in the field of human microecology.



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