首页> 中文期刊>工业用水与废水 >炼油厂废水生化处理出水氨氮超标问题的分析及解决措施




Through the field investigation and test verification, the existing organic solvent: 2,2'-(methyli-mino) bis-Ethanol in wastewater was confirmed to be the main reason that cause the mass concentration of ammonia nitrogen in effluent water from oil refinery plant to exceed the standard. The problem of high ammonia nitrogen concentration caused by ammonification of organic nitrogen compounds in wastewater from oil refinery plant could be solved by dosing high- efficient nitrifying bacteria periodically without changing the current process flow. The results showed that, after adding the bacteria, the effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration decreased continuously, and finally met the discharge standard. High-efficient nitrifying bacteria had a good performance on treatment of wastewater containing high concentration of ammonia nitrogen, which could be wildly used.%通过现场调查和试验验证,确认废水夹带有机溶剂N-甲基二乙醇胺是造成炼油厂废水处理出水氨氮超标的主要原因.在不改变现有处理工艺流程的条件下,采用定期投加高效硝化生物菌种的措施来解决有机氮化合物经氨化作用造成炼油厂废水氨氮高的问题,结果表明,投加生物菌种后,出水氨氮浓度持续下降,并最终出水达标.高效硝化微生物菌种对高氨氮废水有非常好的处理效果,且应用范围广泛.



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