首页> 中文期刊>工业水处理 >磁场对碳酸钙成核结晶过程的影响




利用自行设计的磁化水循环装置,测定了不同温度下,含有Ca2++CO32-+HCO32-的纯水溶液垂直通过均匀可调磁场(最高达4 100 mT)经磁处理后溶液的电导率、浊度和碳酸钙浓度的变化趋势,用XRD测定了不同磁处理条件下得到的碳酸钙晶型,研究了碳酸钙的成核结晶过程,从热力学角度探讨了磁场对碳酸钙成核结晶过程的作用机理.实验结果表明,磁场对碳酸钙晶体生成速率和晶型结构的影响主要是因为磁处理改变了水分子簇的结构,从而改变了碳酸钙晶核先驱水合化碳酸钙的形成和脱水过程.%The influence of magne tic field on calcium carbonate precipitation has been the subject of numerous investigations because calcium carbonate is the dominant component of scale. An adjustable magnetic treatment device (with the maximum magnetic flux density as 4 100 mT) equipped with automatic heating and recycled water system was designed. At different temperatures the parameters of conductance, turbidity and concentration of CaCO3 of the solution were tested when calcocarbonic water flowed vertically throwing the magnetic field. The polymorph composition of CaCO3 obtained from the test was determined by XRD. The precipitation process of CaCO3 was investigated and the mechanism through which the magnetic field exerts its influence on the processes was explained thermodynamically. The results suggest that the magnetic field influences the precipitation process and polymorph composition of CaCO3 by influencing the hydration and dehydration process of hydrated CaCO3 as the precursor of crystal nuclei for the magnetic field changes the structure of water cluster.



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