首页> 中文期刊>产经评论 >产品层次差异下的中美产业内贸易比较




2008年金融危机之后,新一轮科技革命竞争和中美博弈日趋激烈。以中国和美国的产业竞争力为比较对象,在SITC标准下将产业技术层级划分为低、中、高技术业三个层次,计算基于产品层次差异的中美间产业内贸易指数,以更好地认识我国产业发展中的问题与不足。结果表明:2001-2013年,中国低层次产品对美出口力度较强,水平和垂直高层次产品则较弱,说明中国各产业的高附加值环节、整个价值链的实力仍旧不足。同时,相比低技术和高技术产业,中等技术产业整体产业内贸易指数最显著,其水平和高层次产业内贸易指数亦如此,表明中国在三种不同技术密集度产业的结构优化上,取得了一定成效。国内外诸多因素阻碍中国高技术产业的高端化发展,以及其对其他产业转型升级的带动作用。对此,从外部和内部两个维度提出促进我国产业优化升级的建议。%After the financial crisis in 2008, the competition in the new technological revolution and the game playing between China and U .S.become fiercer .Under these circumstance and based on products ’qual-ity difference, the intra-industry trade index between the two countries is computed in terms of low , medium and high technology industries , which aims to better show Chinese industrial competitiveness and weakness . Results show that:From 2001 to 2013, China is strong in low-level exports to U.S., but weak in medium and high level , which shows China ’s competitiveness is weak in high value-added chains and the whole value chain of each industry .Meanwhile , comparing to low and high technology industries , the whole intra-industry trade index of the medium technology industry is most remarkable , so as for its medium and high level intra-industry trade index , which shows China ’s progress in the structure optimization of the three different technology-inten-sity industries to some extent .Then reasons are analyzed in terms of the situations above .Finally , conclusions and suggestions about the upgrading of these industries are made .



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