首页> 中文期刊>湖南农业科学 >湘科三号脐橙区域试验报告




Xiangke No.3 is a new navel orange cultivar selected from bud mutation of New Hall. Regional trials were conducted in the Southern, Central and Northern regions of Hunan Province. The results indicated that the fruit of Xiangke No.3 cultivar had consistently round shape and even size in different regions and in different years, with a fruit shape index value of 1.01; the cultivar was high-yielding and genetically stable; budburst, shoot growth and lfowering of this cultivar in the southern region occurred 2~10 d earlier than those in the central region, about 8~15 d earlier than those in the northern region, and 1~2 d earlier than those of control in each region; its fruit matured in mid November in all regions.%湘科三号脐橙是从纽荷尔脐橙芽变中选育出来的脐橙新品种。在湘南、湘中、湘北的区域试验结果表明:该品种在不同区域、不同年份果实均呈近圆形,果形指数为1.01,果形整齐,单株产量较高,丰产性好,遗传性状稳定。其萌芽期、花期、抽梢期湘南地区比湘中地区早2~10 d,比湘北地区早8~15 d,在各区试地点均比对照早1~2 d;果实成熟期均在11月中下旬。



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