首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北体育科技》 >由“李娜法网效应”探讨中国网球运动的发展战略




对目前我国网球运动的"李娜法网效应"进行分析总结得出:我国网球运动将在今后得到快速的发展,能够极大提升网球运动在青少年运动员中的影响力,推动我国体育产业的飞速发展,推动中国网球向着更加注重运动员身体体能和力量素质的方向发展,更加注重网球运动员个性的发展。但同时我们还面临着网球群众基础薄弱;网球运动员职业化程度不够;建立健全青少年的发展机制等问题亟需解决。%By means of induction and consulting documents,the paper analyzes the Li Na effect of the current Chinese tennis development and sums up the fact that tennis is to experience the rapid promotion and make great progress in the near future.This fact is illustrated in such aspects as exerting the great influence on teenagers' enthusiasm for tennis,accelerating the transition from widespread participation in sports to might country in sports,awakening the sense of enjoying tennis sports,advocating the abrupt development of sports industries and highlighting the focus on the athlete's stamina and individual diversity.Nevertheless,some barriers should not be ignored,such as ways of training teenagers,disadvantage of tennis popularity and deficiency of professional tennis players.



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