首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >国外滨水景观规划对北京市建立滨水海绵的启示




随着我国城市化进程的快速推进,城市的河流污染日趋严重,同时出现了城市内涝增多、水体污染严重、淡水资源短缺等一系列水问题;加之国家"海绵城市"理念的提出,人们越来越多地关注起与生活息息相关的水环境.该文通过对国外城市滨水景观规划设计的经典案例的分析研究,着眼于城市滨水景观规划理论研究、项目实践与规划手法等几个方面,提出适用于国内城市滨水景观规划设计的原则方法与可行方向,以期推动北京对城市滨水生态环境的关注和多角度纵向深入研究,同时也为国内众多滨水景观规划设计项目或滨水生态治理工程起到借鉴与指导的作用.%With the rapid progress of urbanization in China, the river pollution of the city is serious. At the same time, a series of water problems such as increased water logging, serious water pollution and shortage of freshwater resources are emerging. In addition, with the proposal of "sponge city" concept, people pay more attention on the water environment closely related to the life. In this paper we analyze and study the classic cases of urban waterfront landscape planning and design in foreign countries, focusing on several aspects such as urban waterfront landscape planning theory research, project practice and planning methods etc ., and we also put forward the principle method and feasible direction of domestic urban waterfront landscape planning and design, in order to promote Beijing focus on urban waterfront ecological environment and longitudinal research from multiple perspectives, as well as the reference and guidance for the domestic waterfront landscape planning and design projects or waterfront ecological management engineering.



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