首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科学》 >一株无机磷细菌的分离、鉴定及其溶磷能力分析




从根系土壤分离纯化出降解无机磷的细菌8株,通过平板法进行初筛,根据水解圈直径和菌落直径比值大小筛选到水解圈直径和菌落直径比值较大的菌株3株,进一步通过液体摇瓶培养复筛出I株分解无机磷能力最强的菌株PC-2,该菌株经形态特征,生理生化特性16 S rDNA序列测定等一系列试验鉴定为地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis),同时对其解磷量与发酵液pH值的关系进行了初步研究,其解磷能力达57.5 mg/L,并且研究发现其不同时间的解磷量与发酵液pH值之间虽然存在着显著的相关性,但两者不成正比例相关关系.%Eight inorganic phosphorus-dissolving bacterium stains were obtained from soils of different rhizospheres.Through the plate method for the first screening, three bacterial strains with the larger ratio of hydrolysis circle diameter to colony diameter were got.Of these strains, one the best strain (strain PC-2), which shows high inorganic phosphorus-degradation ability up to 57.5 mg/L.It is identified as bacillus licheniformis by its morphological and physiological characteristics as well as by analysis of the gene encoding the 16S rRNA.And it has been discovered that there are significant relevance between solubilizing phosphorus concentration and pH of fermented fluid in different time, but it is not proportional to the relevant cases.



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