首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科学》 >真空预压法地下水位变化的室内模拟试验研究




真空预压过程中地下水位变化情况关系到对真空预压机理的认识和对真空预压效果的评价,对研究地下水位变化具有重要意义。通过室内模拟试验,用电接点式真空表控制不同真空压力模拟不同真空度条件,用不同渗透系数包裹排水体和加固区边界模拟不同土体渗透系数的方式,以研究地下水位与真空度、土体渗透系数的关系,考虑外界水的补给,得出模型试验中地下水位是下降的,且下降量随真空度的增大、渗透系数的减小而增大。当抽出和汽化的水量与加固区外补给水量平衡时地下水位不再下降。同时对真空预压法地下水位变化机理进行研究,得到地下水位下降幅度受土体渗透系数和真空压力共同决定的结论。%The underground water level in vacuum preloading process changes related to the understanding of the vacuum mechanism and the effect of pressure on vacuum pre evaluation,underground water level research is of great significance. In this paper,through simulation test,by controlling the different vacuum pressure to simulate different vacuum conditions with electric contact type vacuum gauge,with different permeability coefficient and different simulation package drainage seepage coefficient of reinforced area boundaries,to study relationship between groundwater level and vacuum degree,the permeability coefficient of soil. Taking into account the supply of external water,the groundwater level in the model test is decreased with the increase of the vacuum degree and the decrease of the permeability coeffecient,and the groundwater level will no longer vary when the water quantity and the water vapor is balanced. At the same time,the mechanism of the water level change of the vacuum preloading method is studied. The conclusion is that the groundwater level is determined by the permeability coefficient and the vacuum pressure.



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