首页> 中文期刊>黑龙江水利科技 >朝阳市水资源利用与区域经济增长模型研究与相关性分析




水资源的污染日益加重,逐步成为危害地区经济、环境和生态系统安全的重要影响因素.通过对朝阳市水资源以及经济情况进行调研,定性、定量分析相结合的方法,构建研究区域经济与水资源利用之间的动态关系的脉冲响应模型;借助朝阳市近10a的数据,建立耦合协调评价模型,研究区域经济与水资源系统的协调演化过程;深入分析水资源和区域经济之间的关系,提出协调水资源与经济增长的对策.由于水资源的存在具有时间和空间的限定,区域生态以及经济的发展必然受到水资源的限制,因此,保护和合理的利用水资源,促进社会经济的持续协调发展,具有重要的现实和指导价值.%It is more and more serious of water resources pollution,which has been an important factor affecting the economic,environmental and ecological security of the region.By investigating and studying the water resources and economic situation of Chaoyang City,combined the qualitative method with the quantitative analysis method,the impulse response model of the dynamic relationship was established between the regional economy and utilization of water resources.Based on the data of Chaoyang City for nearly 10 years,to establish the coupled coordination evaluation model to study the coordinate and evolution process of regional economy and water resources system,and analyze deeply the relationship between water resources and regional economy,the countermeasures to coordinate the water resources and economic growth were put forward.Limited by the time and space,the development of regional ecology and economic growth is inevitably affected by the constraints of water resources.Therefore,to protect and use reasonably water resources and to promote the sustainable and harmonious development of social economy is very meaningful.



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