首页> 中文期刊>暖通空调 >不降温除湿功能房间空调器的设计与性能试验




该装置通过阀门启闭在夏季制冷工况和不降温除湿工况之间切换,从而节省了除湿机的额外投资.针对不降温除湿的影响因素,对机组进行正交试验,研究了机组的除湿量、能效比和功耗的变化规律,并给出了拟合公式.试验结果表明,该机组的除湿量在1~3 kg/h之间变化,可以满足一般居住建筑的除湿要求.机组的除湿能效比介于1~2之间,同时提出应当研究针对不降温除湿过程的合理的能效比评价方法.该试验机组的出口温度比入口空气温度低1~2.5℃,因此可以进一步改进该机组的室内换热器设计,以达到完全不降温除湿的效果.%The novel appliance could shift between cooling mode and non-cooling dehumidification mode through valve switching, avoiding the invest for installing a dehumidifier. Based on the orthogonal test, studies the dehumidification capacity, EER, and energy consumption, and presents the fitting equations. The results show that the dehumidification capacity ranges from 1 to 3 kg/h, which could meet the dehumidification demand of an average residential house. The dehumidification FER range is 1 ~2, and proper assessment of this process should be studied. The outlet temperature of the unit is 1~2.5 ℃ lower than the inlet temperature, so the unit could be further studied to get a better result.



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