首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >信息化视阈下高校教学档案管理方式的转变




随着社会的进步和发展,信息化水平逐渐提升,对于高校教学档案管理信息化建设提出了更高的要求,同时也是高校档案管理工作中不可或缺的组成部分,在信息化视阈下强化教学档案管理方式的转变,不仅能够有效提升教学管理水平,同时有助于档案管理的创新、开发和利用,最大程度发挥档案管理工作的价值。由此,本文主要就信息化视阈下高校教学档案管理方式的转变进行分析,结合实际情况,明晰信息化时代背景下高校教学档案管理方式的转变形式,并就其中存在的问题,提出合理的改善措施,以求更好地推动我国高校教学档案管理方式的创新改进。%With the progress and development of society, gradually raise the level of information for teaching archives manage-ment, information technology put forward higher requirements for colleges and universities, but also in the management of uni-versity archives integral part of strengthening the information in the Perspective changing teaching file management methods, not only can effectively enhance the level of teaching management, while helping to records management innovation, development and utilization, maximize the value of archives management. Thus, this paper mainly on information from the Perspective trans-form teaching archives management methods to analyze the actual situation, changes in the form of university teaching archives management under clear background information age, and to the existing problems, put forward reasonable improvement me-asures, in order to better promote innovation to improve teaching archives management in higher education.



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