首页> 中文期刊>中国医药指南 >DR下经高压注射器子宫输卵管造影在诊断外来工女性不孕症中的意义及注意事项




Objective To investigate the hysterosalpingography( HSG) by DR and high pressure injector applied to groups of female migrant workers in diagnosis of the cause of infertility. Methods Retrospective analysis of infertility total 517 cases in our hospital from 2011 May to 2013 April of female migrant workers, used disposable double-lumen catheter and Ioversol Injection and digital radiography(DR) in HSG examination. Results 517 infertility patients with normal uterine morphology and development in 474 cases (91.68%), uterine abnormalities in 43 cases (8.32%). In addition to 16 cases of resected tubal,received a total of 501 tubal statistics, tubal patency in 109 cases (21.76%), tubal obstruction in 348 cases (69.46%), tubal poor patency in 74 cases(14.77%), hydrosalpinx in 108 cases(21.56%), countercurrent of contrast midum in 31 cases(6.19%),Pelvic adhesions in 143 cases (27.66%). Conclusion HSG by DR and high pressur injector is a simple, safe, effective, inexpensive form of understanding of the uterus,fallopian tube, should pay attention to operation technique and avoid the false positive results,can be used as a screening program before laparoscopy, clinical follow-up control the guidance of the important role, especially migrant workers More clinical value of female infertility.%目的:探讨DR下经高压注射器子宫输卵管造影(hysterosalpingography,HSG)运用于外来工妇女群体中不孕症病因诊断的临床价值及操作中的注意事项。方法回顾分析2011年5月至2013年4月我院因不孕症就诊的外来工妇女共计517例,均采用一次性双腔子宫造影导管及碘佛醇进行DR下经高压注射器子宫输卵管造影。结果517例不孕患者中,子宫形态及发育正常者474例(91.68%),子宫异常者43例(8.32%);除有16例已切除一侧输卵管,其余501例患者输卵管接受统计,输卵管通畅109例(21.76%),输卵管梗阻348例(69.46%),输卵管通而不畅74例(14.77%),输卵管积水108例(21.56%),对比剂逆流31例(6.19%),盆腔粘连143例(27.66%)。结论 DR下经高压注射器子宫输卵管造影,采用了数字化X机及高压注射器恒速注射,操作中应注意操作手法并避免假阳性结果,是一种简便、安全、高效、费用低廉的了解子宫、输卵管病变的方法,可作为腹腔镜检查前的初筛项目,为指导后续临床治疗起重要作用,尤其对外来工女性不孕症更具临床价值。



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