首页> 中文期刊>广州化工 >化工技术经济课程教学改进探索




Based on the aims of international engineering education accreditation, some problems in the practical teaching of Technological Economy of Chemical Engineering were analyzed. In order to improve teaching effect and quality, some teaching improvements had to be made in the aspects of course structure, teaching content and methods. Teachers should define the teaching target, emphasize the teaching key points, and update the teaching case. Case teaching and group study method will be adopted. In this situation, teachers will teach the key knowledge points and instruct the student to learn independently. By these improvements, both the teaching quality and the students’ studying enthusiasm and ability can be improved remarkably.%结合国际工程教育认证的目标,分析了化工技术经济学在教学实践中存在的一些问题,提出从该课程的课程结构、教学内容和教学方式等方面入手进行改进:明确课程教学目的,调整教学侧重点,更新教学案例,采用案例教学分组研讨的方式,教师讲授知识点,指导学生自学,使学生更好地掌握课程内容知识,从而提高教学效果和质量。通过教学改进,学生的综合素质得到了锻炼,学习的主动性和积极性明显提高。



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