首页> 中文期刊> 《广西水利水电》 >广西突发性水污染事件特征及水利应急处置对策




Water pollution accidents have been very common in Guangxin in recent years. Major cause is illegal waste discharge by enterprises. Accidents mostly occurred in northwestern Guangxi and have seriously affected the safety of water supply and cage culture in river channels. In view of all these features, emphasis shall be put on iden⁃tification of major pollution sources; administration of waste outlets; water quality monitoring in river source areas, registration of locations of cage culture; construction of hydrological emergency monitoring capability. In addition, in order to settle well unexpected water pollution accidents, perfecting of water conservancy emergency plan, strengthening of water emergent information measuring and reporting, proper water regulation, upgrading of emergen⁃cy mobility, improving cooperation and communication among departments are also positive countermeasures.%  近年来,广西突发性水污染事件时有发生,呈现出企业非法排污引起、桂西北地区多发、严重影响供水安全和河道网箱养鱼等特征。针对这些特征,应当着重做好主要污染源识别、入河排污口管理、河流水源地水质监控和网箱养鱼布局登记、水文应急监测能力建设等重点工作,并通过完善水利应急预案、强化水利应急信息测报、合理安排水量调度、加强水文应急机动能力建设、强化部门合作与应急会商等措施,积极做好突发性水污染事件的水利应急处置工作。



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