首页> 中文期刊> 《广西水利水电》 >高碾压混凝土坝层面稳定分析方法研究




RCC dam has distinct layer structure. The horizontal layer surfaces are the key positions which have in⁃fluence on the strength,stability and seepage of RCC dam. More and more attention has to be paid to the stability against sliding on the layer surface with the RCC dam height increasing. In view of the features of RCC dam struc⁃ture and construction,the author analyzed in details the factors which may cause layer instability and failure;stud⁃ied the criterion of various forms of instability and failure;discussed the progressive failure process,failure mecha⁃nism and ultimate bearing capacity of RCC gravity dam with the method combining proportional reduction of strength reserve parameter with nonlinear finite element analysis.%  碾压混凝土坝在结构上具有明显的成层状,水平层面是影响碾压混凝土坝强度、稳定和渗流的关键部位。随着碾压混凝土坝筑坝高度的增加,沿层面的抗滑稳定越来越受到重视。针对碾压混凝土坝的结构和施工等特点,详细分析了引起层面失稳破坏的各个影响因素,并对层面各种失稳破坏形式的判据做了分析研究,提出了采用等比例降参数强度储备和非线性有限元相结合的方法,对碾压混凝土重力坝的渐进破坏过程、破坏机理和极限承载能力进行了探讨和研究。



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