首页> 中文期刊> 《广西水利水电》 >IEC及GB规范在安哥拉220 kV输电线路导线风荷载计算中的对比分析

IEC及GB规范在安哥拉220 kV输电线路导线风荷载计算中的对比分析



Taking a 220 kV power transmission line in Republic of Angola as example, the Code for designing of 110~750kV overhead transmission line(GB50545-2010)of China was compared with the Design criteria of over⁃head transmission lines(IEC 60826-2003). Their difference in wire wind load calculation was analyzed. The re⁃sults of calculation demonstrate that their principles of defining basic wind velocity are identical;but different reoc⁃currence periods were adopted for different voltage levels in accordance with GB code. For the wire wind load calcu⁃lation of 2C-SZ41-24 type tower, the standard wind pressure and horizontal wire wind load of IEC norm are about 1.81and 1.3 times as much as that of GB code respectively.%以安哥拉220 kV输电线路为例,将国内《110~750 kV架空输电线路设计规范》(GB 50545-2010)与国际电工委员会《Design criteria of overhead transmission lines》(IEC 60826-2003)做对比,分析两者在导线风荷载计算中的差异性。通过计算得知:IEC与GB在基本风速的确定原则一致,但是GB根据不同的电压等级采用不同的重现期;对导线风荷载,IEC计算风压标准值约为国标的1.81倍,IEC计算导线水平风荷载约为国标的1.30倍(以2C-SZ41-24型杆塔为例)。



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