首页> 中文期刊> 《广西医学》 >广西11种大宗药材5种重金属元素的含量分析




目的 考察大宗药材重金属元素的含量,并对其进行安全性评价.方法 采用原子吸收分光光度法测定广西11种大宗药材22批样品的Pb、Cd、As、Hg、Cu含量,其中Pb和Cd采用石墨炉法测定,As采用氢化物法测定,Hg采用冷蒸气吸收法测定,Cu采用火焰法测定.结果 全部样品的Pb、As、Hg、Cu含量均合格,6种药材12批样品的5种重金属元素含量均合格,5种药材10批样品的Cd含量超标.结论 所测定的广西大宗药材大部分样品重金属元素含量是在安全范围内的,部分药材样品则存在Cd超标的安全隐患.%To survey the content of heavy metals in part of bulk medicinal materials in Guangxi and to analyse and evaluate their safety. Methods The content of heavy metals was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 22 samples of 11 bulk medicinal materials in Guangxi, while Pb and Cd were determined by the graphite furnace atomizer, and As and Hg were determined by hydride atomic fluorescence spectrometry and the atomic fluorescence spectrometry( AFS ) respectively, and Cu was determined by the flameatomic absorption spectrometry. Results The content of Pb, As, Hg and Cu was eligible in the whole samples, the content of 5 kinds of heavy metals was eligible in 12 samples of 6 kinds of medicinal meterials, and the content of Cd exceeded the national standards ( China) in 10 samples of 5 kinds of medicinal meterials. Conclusion The contents of heavy metals and harmful elements are in the safety range, which are determined in most samples of bulk medicinal materials of Guangxi, and the content of Cd exceeding the national standards( China )for some samples are unsafe.



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