首页> 中文期刊>广西民族研究 >基于遗产廊道的广西左江流域旅游资源开发模式研究——以花山申遗为例




世界文化遗产具有强大的旅游吸引功能, 成为吸引游客的核心吸引物, 对旅游目的地的发展起着关键作用. 广西以 "左江花山岩画文化景观" 的名称对分布于左江流域的花山岩画申报世界文化遗产, 将对左江流域的旅游发展产生深远的影响. 随着申遗工作的不断推进, 如何对左江流域丰富的旅游资源进行开发, 使其更好地 "反哺" 申遗工作, 实现申遗的成功, 是值得关注和研究的问题. 文章以花山申报世界遗产为例, 探讨了花山所分布的左江流域的旅游资源保护及开发模式等问题, 试图构建左江流域遗产廊道型县域旅游合作开发体系, 以促进遗产旅游的可持续发展, 指出左江流域旅游资源的开发必须重视其特有的文化底蕴, 打造世界独一无二的遗产廊道旅游产品.%Bearing a strong attraction for tourism , the world cultural heritage has become the core at-traction and played a key role in the development of tourist destination .With the name "Huashan Rock Painting Cultural Landscape along the Zuojiang River", Guangxi is applying for the World cultural heritage based on the rock paintings distributed along the Zuojiang River basin .This will lay profound influence on the tourist development in this region .With the continuous progress of the application , it is worthy of paying attention to and studying how to exploit the rich tourist resources along the Zuojiang river basin in order to nurture the work of application and to achieve success in application .By taking the application of Huashan rock painting for the World cultural heritage as an example , this paper studies the protection and develop-ment model of the tourist resources distributed along the Zuojiang river basin in an attempt to construct a de -velopment system for the tourist cooperation of relevant counties along the heritage corridor in the said val -ley.It points out that the development of tourist resources in this basin must pay attention to its special cul -tural foundation and the creation of unique tourist product of the world along this heritage corridor .



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