首页> 中文期刊> 《广东电力》 >绝缘护套对输电线路导线风偏的影响




输电线路导线加装绝缘护套对导线风偏有两方面的影响,一是增加了导线空气绝缘,二是受风面积增大,导致风偏角增大.针对导线加装绝缘护套后,对导线风偏的影响进行分析;采用含绝缘子串的风偏角计算公式,对直线杆绝缘子、耐张引流线(有跳线串、无跳线串)在不同风速下的风偏角进行计算.分析表明:在直线杆导线包覆绝缘护套后,风偏角变化很小,但在引流线上加装绝缘护套后,风偏角有较大增加;绝缘护套能够加强线路的外绝缘作用,而闪络是由于安装工艺或其他防风措施不当引起的.%Installation of insulation sheath on the power transmission line has effects on the windage yaw of conductor,one is increasing air insulation of the conductor and the other is increasing wind area and angle of wind deflection.The paper ana-lyzes influence of insulation sheath on windage yaw of the conductor.By adopting the calculation formula for angle of wind deflection of the conductor with insulator string,it calculates angles of wind deflection of the insulator on beeline pole,ten-sion drain wires with and without jumper string under different wind speeds.Analysis indicates after installing the insulation sheath,variation of angle of wind deflection of the conductor is small,but the angle of wind deflection is relatively increased after installing the insulation sheath on the drain wire.The insulation sheath can strengthen outer insulation effect of the line while flashover is caused by installation technique or other wind prevention measures.



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