首页> 中文期刊>广东牙病防治 >Ⅱ类骨面型前牙深覆盖患者牙与牙槽骨特征分析




Objective To study the tooth position and dentoalveolar characteristics of skeletal class II patients with excessive overjet by analyzing the X-ray cephalometry. Methods Twenty cephalometric measure items of 30 normal control and 90 skeletal class II patients, which were divided into three equal groups according to the degree of overjet, were analyzed. Results Compared with the normal control, U1-NA and MxAABH were higher and N-Me and ANS-Me (P< 0.05) was lower in excessive overjet degree I (overjet:3-5 mm). U1-SN, L1-MP, Ul-NA, MxAABH, MdAABH, N-ANS/N-Me% were higher and SN-OP, L1-SN, N-Me, ANS-Me was lower in excessive overjet degree II (overjet: 5-8 mm). Ul-SN, Ll-MP, Ul-NA, L1-NB, MxAABH, MdAABH, N-ANS/N-Me% were higher and SN-OP, Ll-SN, Co-Po, N-Me, ANS-Me were lower in excessive overjet degree M (overjet: greater than 8 mm). Ul-SN, Ll-SN, LIMP, MxAABH, MdAABH were significantly different between excessive overjet degree I and degree H (P<0.05); Ul-SN, Ll-SN, Ll-MP, Ul-NA, Ll-NB, MxAABH, MdAABH, ANS-Me were significantly different between excessive overjet degree I and degree M (P<0.05); Ul-SN, Ul-NA, Ll-NB were significantly different between overjet degree II and degree H (P<0.05). Conclusion Maxilla and mandibular incisors were obviously tilted to the lip in skeletal class II patients with excessive overjet. The height of anterior alveolar of maxillary and mandibular was higher than the normal, while the facial and lower facial height were lower.%目的 分析Ⅱ类骨面型前牙深覆盖患者牙齿的位置、牙槽骨形态等特征.方法 将90例Ⅱ类骨面型前牙深覆盖患者分为3组,Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度、Ⅲ度深覆盖组各30例;正常(牙合)组30例作为对照.方差分析比较90例Ⅱ类骨面型前牙深覆盖患者与正常(牙合)组的20项X线头影测量指标的差异.结果 与正常(牙合)组相比,Ⅰ度深覆盖组患者的U1-NA、MxAABH较大(P<0.05),N-Me、ANS-Me较小(P<0.05);Ⅱ度深覆盖组患者U1-SN、L1-MP、U1-NA、MxAABH、MdAABH、N-ANS/N-Me较大(P<0.05),SN -OP、L1 -SN、N-Me、ANS-Me较小(P<0.05);Ⅲ度深覆盖组患者U1-SN、L1-MP、U1-NA、L1-NB、MxAABH、MdAABH、N-ANS/N-Me较大(P<0.05),SN -OP、L1 -SN、Co-Po、N-Me、ANS-Me较小(P<0.05).Ⅰ度、Ⅱ度深覆盖组相比,U1-SN、L1 -SN、L1 -MP、MxAABH、MdAABH的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Ⅰ度、Ⅲ度深覆盖组相比,U1 -SN、L1 -SN、L1 -MP、U1-NA、L1 -NB、MxAABH、MdAABH、ANS-Me的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);Ⅱ度、Ⅲ度深覆盖组相比,U1-SN、U1-NA、L1 -NB的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 Ⅱ类骨面型前牙深覆盖患者上下颌切牙唇倾明显,且随着覆盖增大,上下颌切牙唇倾度增大;(牙合)平面倾斜度小于正常(牙合)组;上下颌前部牙槽骨高度大于正常(牙合)组;全面高和下面高小于正常(牙合)组.治疗此类患者应注意纠正上下颌切牙轴倾度、(牙合)平面倾斜度及下面高.



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