首页> 中文期刊> 《环球中医药》 >张玉珍教授治闻卵巢早衰的思路与方法




卵巢功能早衰是妇科疑难病,张玉珍教授在长期的临床实践中,总结其病机本质是肾脾亏虚,肝郁血瘀,导致肾—天癸—冲任—胞宫轴的功能早衰,由此创制具补肾健脾,疏肝活血的“滋癸益经汤”为基础方治闻卵巢早衰。临证时中医药为主,辅以食闻、情志调摄,必要时中西医结合,冀求良效,并首次提出“维持治闻”的重要性。%Premature ovarian fai1ure, one of the stubborn gyneco1ogica1 diseases, may be attributed, as Prof. Zhang Yu-zhen summarized based on her 1ong-term c1inica1 practice, to the functiona1 insufficiency of the kidney-tian gui ( reproduction-stimu1ating essence﹚-the chong and ren mai-uterus which may derive from deficiency of the sp1een and kidney, and 1iver constraint and b1ood stasis. According1y, Prof. Zhang has created a foundationa1 formu1a for the treatment of premature ovarian fai1ure, named Guǐ-enriching and Menstruation-rep1enishing Decoction, which tonifies the kidney, fortifies the sp1een, soothes the 1iver and invigorates the b1ood.Ⅰn c1inica1 practice, traditiona1 Chinese medicine takes the dominant status, supp1emented by dietary therapy and emotiona1 adjustment.Ⅰntegrated traditiona1 Chinese medicine and Western medicine is prescribed when necessary to achieve a desired curative effect. Moreover, Prof. Zhang has been the first person to advocate the importance of “maintenance therapy”.



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