首页> 中文期刊> 《环球中医药》 >中医药辨证治疗多囊卵巢综合征临床研究进展




This paper summarizes the clinical research of the traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) in treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS) in the last 5 years, and summarizes the 4 parts from the syndrome differentiation, kidney-reinforcing and menstrual cycle-regulating, the special prescription and proved recipe,acupuncture treatment. The mechanism of PCOS in Chinese medicine mainly lies in asthenia in origin and asthenia in superficiality. The syndrome differentiations of TCM of PCOS are kidney deficiency, phlegm stagnation, qi-stagnation and blood stasis and stagnation of liver qi. The treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation, and the common treatments are tonifying kidney and spleen, dispelling phlegm and eliminating dampness, relief liver for smooth qi, blood-activating and stasis-dissolving, etc. Effective prescriptions, kidney-reinforcing and menstrual cycle-regulating and acupuncture have good curative effects on regulating lipid metabolism, reducing the LH/FSH, androgen and FINS levels and increasing ovulation rate and pregnancy rate.%本文对近5年来中医药治疗多囊卵巢综合征的临床研究进行总结,从辨证论治、补肾调周、专方验方、针灸治疗等4个部分进行综述。本病病机为本虚标实,辨证分型多为肾虚型、痰湿阻滞型、气滞血瘀及肝气郁结型,治法多采用补肾健脾、化痰祛湿、疏肝理气、活血化瘀等。专方验方、补肾调周法及针灸治疗本病在调整月经周期、降低促黄体素与促卵泡素比值、雄激素、空腹胰岛素水平、促进排卵、提高临床妊娠率等方面亦可取得较好疗效。



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