首页> 中文期刊> 《全球科技经济瞭望》 >今日国际原子能机构面面观




Currently, the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) is the only intergovernmental organization in the nuclear field in the world. In nearly 60 years of development, the IAEA is engaged in the fields of nuclear veriifcation, nuclear safety, nuclear energy, nuclear sciences and applications. As nuclear technology is extremely sensitive in military and national security fields, IAEA plays a unique role in international politics. In recent years, as China’s economic power and international status being enhanced largely, as well as our nuclear power technology export strategy established, it seems that IAEA could play a more active role in realizing our national strategy. This paper gives an overview of IAEA with respect to its background, operation mechanism and personnel system, trying to find inspiration for realizing our national strategic goals.%国际原子能机构(IAEA)是目前全球核领域唯一的政府间组织。在近60年的发展历程中, IAEA围绕有效开展保障核查、推动核能发展和核技术应用、提升全球核安全水平、深化核技术合作等目标开展工作,加之核技术本身在各国军事和安全领域所具有的特殊敏感性,促使IAEA日渐成为国际政治舞台上一支独特的力量。随着近年来我国经济实力与国际地位的全面提升,以及核电走出去、推动国际产能和装备制造走出等战略的确立,IAEA似可在实现我国国家战略的过程中发挥出更加积极的作用。本文拟从成立背景、运行机制、人事制度等几方面对IAEA的总体情况及职能特点进行概述和分析,从中发现为我国战略目标服务的启示。



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