首页> 中文期刊> 《世界地质》 >新疆准噶尔盆地中侏罗世斯卡布勒果(Scarburgia)一新种




报道在新疆准噶尔盆地白杨河地区中侏罗世西山窑组首次发现的松柏类斯卡布勒果属(Scarburgia)的一个新种-白杨河斯卡布勒果(新种).新种以果穗附属物(大孢子叶)紧密螺旋状排列、大孢子叶柄以宽角从轴上伸出、卵圆形种鳞的鳞片的顶端上卷、并具一短尖头等特征区别于斯卡布勒果属已知种.由于斯卡布勒果属以往在中国发现较少且时代大多为早白垩世,当前新种的发现是中国侏罗纪斯卡布勒果属化石的新记录.%A new species,Scarburgia baiyanghensis sp.nov.was reported from the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of Baiyanghe,the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang,northwestern China.The new species is characterized by fertile appendages(megasporophylls)arranged helically,each composed of a short stalk expanding into a pointed ovate scale,stalk attached to axis at a wide angle,curved up near the apex,a single rounded or ovate seed borne on upper surface of scale and partly covered by scale tissue.The characters show the new species is different from other known species of Scarburgia.It is known that very limited species of Scarburgia are reported in China and most of them are collected in the Early Cretaceous deposits.Therefore,the discovery of the present new species provides new fossil record in the Middle Jurassic age.



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