首页> 中文期刊> 《地质论评》 >贵州紫云泥盆系重晶石矿床中与古甲烷渗漏事件有关的球状灰岩成因厘定




Objectives:Although carbonates related to methane seepage seep were widely reported in modern sediment or sedimentary rocks (especially since Carboniferous),researches about cold seep carbonates associated with sedimentary deposits were rarely reported.In the study,we report the nodular limestone linked to the leakage of methane and other hydrocarbons,which was newly found in Xiyahe Devonian barite deposit,Guizhou Province.Methods:A detailed field survey was conducted on Xiyahe Devonian barite deposits.9 samples of nodular limestone in the research were collected from Xiyahe section.In order to observe micro characteristics of the nodular limestones,9 limestone samples were observed by Polarization microscope in College of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Guizhou University and scan electron microscope in State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry Chinese Academy Science,Guizhou,China.The limestones were ground to less than 200 mesh for the use of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD),major element,stable carbon,oxygen isotope and rare earth element (REE) analyses.REE analyses were carried out in State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry Chinese Academy Science,with ELAN DRC-e Q-ICP-MS made in Canada PerkinElmer.The major elements were measured with ME-XRF26d in ALS Minerals-ALS Chemex.Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses were carried out in the Key National Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry of the Institute of Geochemistry under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The instrument used was a gas-stable isotope mass spectrometer,which type is MAT253.The end results were corrected by carbonate rock solid standard.All analysis results were compared with the V-PDB standard.The precisions for δ13C and δ18 O are better than ± 0.05‰ and ± 0.08‰ respectively.Results:Carbonate clots and framboidal pyrites were found in the nodular limestones.The interior texture present sunflower shape in framboidal pyrites,single pyrite have clear outline and similar size.The δ13CV-PDB values of limestones in Xiyahe vary from-10.27‰ to + 3.736,average value is-3.18‰o;Xiyahe nodular limestone have relatively light oxygen isotope compositions with δTMOV-PDB values ranging from-8.20‰ to-2.26‰,average value is-6.04‰.The min-value of δ13CV-PDB of limestone is-10.27‰.The total REE contents of 9 limestone samples in Xiyahe section range from 2.62 × 10-6 to 43.49 × 10-6,average value is 21.9 × 10-6.Ce/Ce * values vary from 0.50 × 10-6 to 0.78 × 10-6,but the revised results following Bau and Dulski's method (Bau et al.1996 ) indicate real Ce anomaly occurrence in six samples,the others are not real Ce anomaly.Moreover,the major elements of limestone are mainly CaO and SiO2.Conclusions:Amounts of nodular limestones were found in Xiyahe barite deposit.And the shape of nodular limestones are spherical,elliptic spherical and tubular.The micro characteristics of nodular limestone are similar to modern cold seep carbonate (such as;carbonate clot,framboidal pyrite),and its carbon isotopes contents are also similar to modern carbonate associated with the leckage of methane.These results indicate the genesis of the nodular limestones in Xiyahe Devonian barite deposits was related to the leakage of methane and other hydrocarbons,but the petrographic observations of limestones and earlier studies on Xiyahe barite deposit suggest pyrolytic methane is the dominant carbon source of the limestone in Xiyahe barite deposit.The Ce anomaly of limestones show not only deoxidation in ancient sedimentary environment,but also intermittent oxidation are reflected.The situation may be affected by methane fluid leakage rate.%关于古代冷泉碳酸盐岩的报道主要集中于新元古代“盖帽”碳酸盐岩和晚古生代以来(特别是石炭纪以来)的沉积地层中,与沉积矿床伴生的冷泉碳酸盐岩的研究鲜有报道.本文通过对贵州紫云泥盆系大型重晶石矿床中新发现的球状、椭球状灰岩进行详细地野外观察,并结合矿物学、元素地球化学和C—O同位素研究,探讨并揭示了灰岩的成因和形成环境,以及与古甲烷渗漏事件之间的关系.结果表明:灰岩呈球状、椭球状、管状顺层产于重晶石之中及其下部地层.灰岩中发育大量类似现代海底冷泉沉积碳酸盐岩的凝块和草莓状黄铁矿;草莓状黄铁矿内部结构呈葵花状,组成葵花状的单颗黄铁矿大小基本一致,轮廓清晰.灰岩较低的δ13 CV-PDB值(-10.3‰)表明其碳源主要为热解成因甲烷气或混合气.灰岩Ce/Ce*值除反映古沉积环境为还原状态外,也指示间歇性氧化状态的存在,这可能与甲烷气体的渗漏速率有关.



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