首页> 中文期刊> 《福建稻麦科技》 >马铃薯的钾肥积累运转特性及合理施用




通过2009--2010年度在龙海设置冬种马铃薯施钾肥试验,结果明确:马铃薯吸钾量随施钾量的提高而增加;马铃薯吸钾速率以前中期为最大,开花后从土壤中吸钾速率逐渐降低,块茎所需钾素大部分来自茎叶既有钾素的输出;每667m2马铃薯鲜薯产量2500~2700kg所需的K肥经济施用量为14kg;种薯脱毒与否对氯离子胁迫抗力明显不同,在生产上要根据种薯脱毒情况决定能否施用含氯化肥。%This paper discusses potassium fertilizer test using the winter potatoes in year 2009-2010 at longhai. The results show that potassium absorbability increases with the increasing of potassium rate; potato has the greatest K up- take rate at prometaphase, after anthesis K uptake rate from soil decreases gradually, most of K that potato tuber needed from the existing K output of stem and leaf, the economic K application is determined to be 14kg with an expected fresh root yield of 2500 - 2700kg per 667m2, seed tuber virus-free or not has obviously different resistances to chloride stress, in production, according to the seed tuber virus-free or not to determine the application of chlorine-containing chemical fertilizers.



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