首页> 中文期刊> 《福建建筑》 >重拾城市记忆——西班牙旧建筑可适性再利用之感悟




Architecture as one of an important symbol for social civilization and progress, for a long time, with its unique form witnessed the social change and the development of civilization. Unlike our familiar historic building, old buildings always marginalized, general, who's historical and cultural values are relatively low, with some years of accumulated experience or a particular historical perio& Old building as a mirror, reflects the city's different characteristics in different historical periods. For example a number of specific instances of the Spanish re--use of old buildings, learning Spanish in the old building on the experience of re--use. Focus on the reuse of old buildings is how to make a distinction and use the old buildings' value, regaining the city's memories.%建筑作为社会文明与进步的重要标志之一,长久以来以其特有的形式见证着社会的变迁和文明的发展。旧建筑有别于我们耳熟能详的文物建筑或是历史建筑,是一些边缘化的,普通的,历史和文化价值相对较低,具有一定岁月积淀或经历某个特定历史时期的,一般性建筑。旧建筑如同一面镜子,折射城市不同历史时期的不同特征。通过对几个具体的西班牙旧建筑再利用实例的介绍,论述西班牙人在旧建筑再利用问题上的一些真知灼见。旧建筑的再利用重点在于通过科学合理的建筑价值评估,区分并利用旧建筑中有价值的那部分因素,化腐朽为神奇,寓传统于现代,以现代手法发扬传统精神,将历史的记忆融入新世纪建筑中,重拾城市记忆。



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