首页> 中文期刊>复旦教育论坛 >“概念证明中心”:美国研究型大学促进科研成果转化的新组织模式




促进科研成果商业转化是激发区域和国家经济繁荣发展的重要渠道,但是基础研发活动与产品开发之间往往存在着一座“死亡之谷”。为了跨越“死亡之谷”、提高大学科研成果转化能力,美国兴起了一种新的组织模式———概念证明中心,旨在帮助解决大学研发成果与可市场化成果之间的空白。概念证明中心在美国已经取得明显的成效,它的成功经验对于我国科研成果转化有着重要启示。%Promoting the commercialization of scientific technology is an important way to stimulate regional and national economic prosperity and development. However, there tends to be a "valley of death" between basic research activities and product development. To cross the"valley of death"and enhance university's capability of commercialization of scientific research, there emerges a new kind of organizational model--proof of concept center in America, which mainly fills the gap between university research and marketable product. Proof of concept centers have made significant achievements in American research universities, and their successful experiences may shed light on the commercialization of scientific research in China.



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