首页> 中文期刊>前沿科学 >中微子超光速、洛伦兹对称性破坏和质量起源




We critically review the superluminal muon neutrino result .of OPRA experiment and its reliability. We point out that superluminal neutrinos would imply Lorentz symmetry violation. Then, we analyze the expected scale for Lorentz symmetry breaking, and reveal that this scale should be naturally around the Planck mass 1019GeV, which is higher than the actual energy scale (17GeV) of OPERA by 18 orders Of magnitude. This means that the theoretically expected natural size of possible neutrino superluminal effects should be on the order of 10^-18, rather than the 10^-5 as claimed by OPERA. We further point out that the modern relativistic quantum field theory does consistently describe neutrinos; and the genesis of masses for all known elementary particles (including neutrinos) in nature have to rely on a hypothetical Higgs boson (dubbed "God Particle"). The God Particle has been sought in vain by all experiments so far, but its mass has to lie in the range of 100-1000GeV, much lower than the Planck scale. Searching for this particle or its substitution is the key task of the on-going LHC experiment at CERN. The discovery or exclusion of this particle will uncover the origin of masses for all elementary particles. This will lead to a grand revolution in the whole physics and science, as physicists have expected for long.%本文评述OPERA实验声称的中微子超光速测量结果及其可信度;指出超光速效应将预示洛伦兹对称性破坏。然后,着重分析可能的洛伦兹对称性破坏效应应该发生的合理能量尺度,揭示这个尺度应该是普朗克能标10^19GeV,比OPERA实验测量的实际能标17GeV高出18个数量级,这表明理论上预期OPERA实验可能观测到的超光速效应应该是10^-18量级,而非目前OPERA实验结果宣称的10^-5量级。本文进一步指出,现代相对论性量子场论完全可以自洽地描述中微子;但是,包括中微子在内的一切已知基本粒子质量的起源都必须借助于希格斯粒子(或称“上帝粒子”),而上帝粒子至今尚未被发现,其质量又必须位于100—1000GeV范围,远远低于普朗克尺度。对这个粒子的探测是目前欧洲核子中心CERN正在运行的大型强子对撞机LHC的核心目标,发现或者彻底排除这个“上帝粒子”并由此揭示自然界一切基本粒子质量的起源是整个物理学界乃至科学界翘首期盼的划时代革命。



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