首页> 中文期刊>中国科技论坛 >中国企业承接离岸服务外包竞争力评价体系研究




With the golobal industry shifting and international service trade development, undertaking offshore service outsourcing has become the important strategic measures in many countries and regions.Based on the literature review and personnel interview,this paper builds the evaluation model and index system of the competitiveness of China enterprises to undertake offshore service outsourcing from the seven aspects, including economic and industrial development ability, policy support ability, technical resource and ability, market competition ability, cultural communication and adaptation ability,talent resource ability,operation and management ability. This paper uses survey data to test the model. The results show that the competitiveness of China' s eastern region enterprises to undertake offshore service outsourcing is obviously higher than that of the midwest region. However,the competitiveness of China s middle region enterprises to undertake offshore service outsourcing is closer to that of the western region. This study provides some important suggestions for China to undertaket offshore service outsourcing.%随着全球产业转移和国际服务贸易的发展,承接离岸服务外包已成为许多国家和地区的重要战略举措.本文从经济与产业发展能力、政策支撑能力、技术资源与能力、市场竞争能力、文化沟通与协作能力、人才资源能力、运营和管理能力七个方面建立了中国企业承接离岸服务外包竞争力评价模型及其指标体系,并利用问卷调查资料进行了实证分析.研究表明,我国东部地区企业承接离岸服务外包竞争力要明显高于中西部地区;中西部地区企业承接离岸服务外包竞争力较为接近,但在各项竞争分力上互有优劣.本文的研究为中国承接离岸服务外包实践提供了重要的对策建议.



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