首页> 中文期刊> 《林业科技开发》 >美丽胡枝子植篱生长效应研究



在油茶新造林地水平带边缘利用3年生截干苗开展美丽胡枝子植篱种植试验.试验表明:在下坡立地条件较好的地段,无论萌枝数量、生长高度、基径、冠幅和生物产量各项生长因子,都要高于上坡立地条件较差的地段,其中下坡地段的生物量要比上坡高48.31%;通过刈割与不刈割对美丽胡枝子生长影响的研究表明,年底刈割有利于促进美丽胡枝子的树高生长和萌枝数量的增加,但对基部直径和冠幅的生长有一定的影响,刈割获取的地上部分生物量比不刈割增加46.88%,具有越刈越旺的特点.美丽胡枝子在新造油茶林地水平带边缘植篱的成功种植,可结合冬季垦复抚育覆盖林地,将会对油茶新造林地水土保持、固土护坡和改良土壤等起着积极的生态保育作用.%A study on growth of Lespedeza formosa planted in the edge of new plantations of Cornelia oleifera showed that growth factors including branch number, tree height, base diameter, crown width and biomass were better on downgrade ( good site condition) than on upgrade (poor site condition). Among them, the biomass on downgrade was 48.13% higher than that on upgrade. Mowing at the end of the year induced the tree height growth and increased branch number, and it also had a certain effect on the base diameter and crown width. The aboveground biomass of mowing plants was 46. 88% higher than that no-mowing plants. The successful planting of L formosa in the edge of new plantations of C. Oleifera would play an important role on water and soil conservation, soil improvement and soil ecological protection.



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