首页> 中文期刊>爆炸与冲击 >全尺寸干线输气管道爆炸地振动的空间分布和时频分布特性




In this paper we investigated the damaging effect resulting from the vibration of pipeline gas explosion using a full-scale pipeline gas explosion test and, after data analysis, found that the attenuation of the pipeline vibration was more in line with the exponential distribution than with the classical power law distribution, and that the vibration intensity was not evenly distributed in the space, with a vibration enhancement in a specific direction. Adopting the improved MP-WVD algorithm, we also analyzed the time-frequency characteristics of the vibration in pipeline explosion and found that the main frequency range of vibration was 10?20 Hz, with a duration of 0.1?0.2 s as well as a multiple loading. Finally, we observed that the Rayleigh wave was stronger than the Love wave. These results can serve as reference for pipeline construction and accident investigation.%针对第三代大输量天然气管道爆炸振动危害效应展开研究,组织实施了全尺寸天然气管道爆炸试验。经数据分析发现,天然气管道爆炸地振动的衰减更加符合指数分布而非传统幂率分布,且其振动强度在空间内分布不均匀,存在特定方向振动加强的现象。采用改进型的MP-WVD算法分析得到天然气管道爆炸地振动的时频特性,其振动的主要频率范围为10~20 Hz,持续时间为0.1~0.2 s。存在多次加载特性,瑞利波成分强于勒夫波成分。研究成果可为后续管道施工安全设计以及事故现场勘测提供参考。



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