首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >476例药品不良反应报告分析




OBJECTIVE:To investigate the characteristics and regularity of the adverse drug reactions ( ADRs) in Zhongshan Municipal Tanzhou Hospital ( hereinafter referred to as“our hospital”) for clinical reference of rational use of drugs.METHODS:By a retrospective study, a total of 476 ADR case reports collected in our hospital from Jan. 2012 to July 2014 were statistically analyzed regarding sex and age of patients, drug categories, route of administration, clinical manifestation of ADR, severe ADR and new ADR.RESULTS:The ADR occurred more often in females than in males ( 249 cases /52.31% vs.227 cases 47.69%) and in patients aged >20-30 years ( 114 cases/23.95%) or >30-40 years ( 120 cases/25.21%) , induced by 10 categoires of drugs ( 57 drugs ) , with antibiotic topping the list ( 332 cases/69.74%) , followed by traditional Chinese medicine injections ( 86 cases/18.07%) , induced mostly by drugs adminisred via intravenous drip ( 438 cases/92.02%) , manifested mostly as lesion of skin and its appendages ( 348 cases/73.11%) and induced mostly by ceftazidime ( 89 cases/18.70%) in terms of specific drug.CONCLUSIONS: The ADRs are associated with multiple categories/kinds of drugs.It is important to strictly abide by the related regulations in drug package insert, standardize drug use and strengthen ADR monitoring so as to reduce the occurrence of ADRs and ensure clinical medication safety.%目的:了解中山市坦洲医院(以下简称“我院”)药品不良反应( ADR)发生的特点和规律,为促进临床合理用药提供参考。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,对我院2012年1月—2014年7月临床各科室上报的476例ADR报告中患者性别、年龄、药品种类、给药途径、ADR的临床表现、严重的ADR以及新的ADR等方面进行统计分析。结果:发生ADR的患者中,女性(249例,占52.31%)多于男性(227例,占47.69%);ADR多发生于>20~30岁(114例,占23.95%)和>30~40岁(120例,占25.21%)年龄段患者;引发ADR的药物涉及10大类、57个品种,抗菌药物发生ADR 病例数居首位(332例,占69.74%),其次为中药注射剂(86例,占18.07%);引发ADR的给药途径以静脉滴注给药为主(438例,占92.02%);ADR最常见的临床症状为皮肤及其附件损害(348例,占73.11%);引发ADR病例数最多的药品为头孢他啶(89例,占18.70%)。结论:ADR涉及多个药物类别和品种,临床用药时,医务人员应严格遵守药品说明书的相关规定,在规范用药的同时重视ADR监测工作,减少或避免ADR发生,确保临床合理用药。



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