首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >广东省妇幼保健院番禺院区静脉用药调配中心不合理用药分析




OBJECTIVE:To investigate the irrational prescriptions and medical orders in Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Service of Guangdong Panyu Maternal and Child Health Hospital ( hereinafter referred to as “our hospital”) . METHODS: Retrospective analysis was conducted on the irrational prescriptions and medical orders found in the process of intravenous medicine prescriptions audit during Jun .to Nov.2014 in our hospital , and then modification suggestions were put forward .RESULTS:A total of 123 368 prescriptions was reviewed , and 240 pieces of irrational prescriptions were found , accounting for 0.20%.The problems included irrational selection of solvent ( 35.83%) , improper dosage and usage ( 32.08%) , irrational selection of medicine ( 14.58%) , repeated drug use ( 4.17%) and medicine incompatibility ( 3.75%) , etc.CONCLUSIONS: The review of intravenous medicine prescriptions and medical orders by clinical pharmacists can timely find and correct the irrational phenomenon in clinic , and improve the safety and effectiveness of drug treatment .%目的:了解广东省妇幼保健院(以下简称“我院”)番禺院区静脉用药调配中心不合理处方和医嘱情况。方法:对我院番禺院区2014年6—11月静脉药物审方过程中发现的不合理处方和医嘱进行回顾性统计、分析,对其中不合理处方和医嘱提出修改意见和建议。结果:共审核处方和医嘱123368条,其中不合理处方和医嘱240条,占总数的0.20%。不合理处方和医嘱类型包括溶剂不适宜(35.83%)、用法和用量不适宜(32.08%)、遴选药物不适宜(14.58%)、重复给药(4.17%)、配伍禁忌(3.75%)等。结论:临床药师对静脉用药处方和医嘱进行审核,可及时发现并纠正临床的不合理用药现象,提高药物治疗的安全性和有效性。



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