首页> 中文期刊> 《环境与可持续发展》 >浅谈冬天枯水季节对长江沿线堤坝治理与加固




In recent years, the central committee and the government department strengthening the protection of the Yangtze river region, to repair the ecological environment along the river in the first place, strengthen along the Yangtze dike management and strengthen, to ensure the safety of the people life and property. DAMS can not only have the effect of flood control and human activities, and to provide water for agriculture and industry to be able to function properly, at the same time also can promote the development of local fishing and tourism, promoting economic development. This paper mainly studies the dry season to along the Yangtze levee governance and reinforcement, and emphasizes the importance of in dry season dam reinforcement, necessity and economy, etc.%近年来中央和政府部门加大长江地区保护力度,将修复长江沿岸生态环境放在首位,加强长江沿线堤坝治理和加强,确保人们的生命财产安全。堤坝不仅能够起到防洪排洪的作用,而且为农业和工业能够正常运转提供水资源,同时还可以促进当地渔业和旅游业的发展,推动经济发展。本文研究了枯水季对长江沿线堤坝治理与加固,重点分析了在枯水季堤坝加固的重要性、必要性和经济性等。



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