首页> 中文期刊>电子设计工程 >炼油厂档案管理系统的设计与应用




电子档案系统是档案数字化管理的一个平台,档案人员可以利用此系统对需归档的文件进行鉴定、归档、组卷、目录打印、移交、销毁的操作,同时还可以对档案文件进行查询、借阅,对档案的利用情况进行统计.作为数字化信息系统中的一个子系统具有举足轻重的地位.本文通过对炼油厂各类档案资料的分析研究,探讨运用计算机信息技术,建立档案数据库,以达到炼油厂对各类资料管理的电子化、知识化和网络化要求,从而提高资料的利用率,形成高效、快捷的档案信息管理模式,为炼油厂增炼上产提供真实、准确、快捷的信息服务.%The electronic file system is a file digitization management platform,the file personnel may use this system to appraisal,to file,to generate,to print the table of contents,to transfer and to destruct documents.Meanwhile,they are also able to inquire and borrow files,and keep statistics to the use of file.The electronic file system has the pivotal status as information system sub-system.Based on the oil production plant of various types of file data study on the use of computer information technology,create a file database,building based file management system to achieve oil production plant on the oil refinery type of electronic data management,knowledge and networks of the requirements,there by improving the utilization of data,highly effective,efficient information management file,in order to increase oil reserves and production plants to provide true,accurate and efficient information services.



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