首页> 中文期刊>电子设计工程 >基于数据挖掘的体育成绩管理系统设计与实现




为了将体育教师从繁杂的数据管理工作中解放出来,专注于提高教学质量,提出了一种基于数据挖掘的体育成绩管理系统.该体育成绩管理系统采用ASP.NET技术开发,选用SQL Sever2005作为数据库平台,采用三层体系架构,实现了对体育成绩各个功能模块的管理;利用决策树ID3算法将录入的体育成绩进行相关分析,同时方便学校管理层的查询.系统经过测试,平均的相应时间为1秒钟,每秒平均的请求数量为97,用户平均的加载数为724,能够实现系统的全部功能,保障系统性能的稳定性,能够满足用户日常的需求.%In order to free physical education teachers from the complex data management, focusing on improving the quality of teaching, a data mining based on the sports performance management system is proposed. The sports performance management system developed by ASP.NET technology, using SQL Sever2005 as the database platform, using the three layer architecture, the realization of each function module of the sports performance management; using ID3 decision tree algorithm will input the sports performance correlation analysis, at the same time to facilitate the school management query. The system has passed the test, the corresponding average time is 1 seconds, the average number of requests per second to 97, the number of users to load an average of 724, the target of the system to achieve full functionality, stable performance, to meet the user's daily use.



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