首页> 中文期刊> 《电子设计工程》 >导弹飞行测试吊舱遥测遥控系统设计与实现




During the process of Air-to-Air missile development , in order to solve the missile guidance system of real target capturing and tracking ability , a serial of flight test must to be done. Missile test flight pod as a flight test to the GPS information of the target , visible light and infrared image real-time acquisition of equipment in captive flight test is particularly important. As the important part of pod , the remote control and telemetry system is responsible for the target and background information real-time transmission and display in the main control computer , and ground personnel of real-time transmission of remote control commands to the pod center control unit to complete the entire test data and transmit uplink. The practical application shows that the remote control system has high reliability, scalability, and can fully meet the needs of missile flight testing of the pod.%空空导弹研制过程需要进行一系列空中系留飞行试验,以解决导弹制导系统对真实目标的截获跟踪能力.导弹飞行测试吊舱作为飞行试验中能将目标的GPS信息、可见光以及红外图像实时采集的设备在系留飞行试验中显得尤为重要.作为吊舱的重要组成部分遥测遥控系统负责将目标和背景的信息实时传送并显示在主控计算机中,并且将地面人员的遥控指令实时传送给吊舱中心控制单元,完成了整个试验数据上行和下传.实际应用结果表明,该系统具有较高的可靠性和可扩展性,完全满足导弹飞行测试吊舱的需要.



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