首页> 中文期刊> 《智能建筑电气技术》 >低压电气系统节能技术研究及应用




The main energy consumption in architecture electrical system is electrical equipment. However, the energy conservation of electrical equipment is the responsibility of equipment manufacturers;the selection of electrical equipment is the responsibility of technology specialty. As for architecture electrical engineers, the main cause of energy loss is the transformer and transmission lines. In this paper, the loss and efficiency of transformers and their relationships are analyzed with details, and the method of selection is given. Moreover, the harm of harmonics and power factor in power systems are qualitatively analyzed with conclusion: Harmonics in power systems generate losses, and harmonic governance can improve the efficiency of power supply.%在建筑电气中主要消耗能量的是用电设备,而用电设备的节能是设备厂商的事,用电设备的选用是工艺专业的事,对建筑电气设计师而言,主要引起能量损耗的设备是变压器和线路。本文对变压器的损耗和效率及其相互关系进行了详细分析,给出了选用方法。对电力系统中的谐波产生的危害和功率因数进行定量分析,得出结论:电力系统的谐波会产生损耗,治理谐波能够提高供电效率。



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