首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >2016年中国电力供需回顾及2017年预测




The features of China's electricity demand and supply in 2016 are analyzed and the power supply and demand situation in the year of 2017 are forecasted in the paper,based on which some suggestions are proposed to guarantee the electric power supply.Affected by the steady growth of the real economy,the uncommon hot summer weather and the low electricity consumption base for the same period last year,the power consumption in 2016 was characterized by increased year-on-year growth rate,persistent continuous power transformation and persistent adjustment of consumption structure,and the utilization hours of thermal power generation units reached the lowest in 52 years in China.It is predicted that China's national electricity demand will reach 6 213 ~6 273 TW· h in 2017 with a year-on-year growth rate of 5.0%~6.0%;the net installed generation capacity will increase by 120 million kilowatts with the total installed generation capacity reaching 1.77 billion kilowatts by the end of 2017;the utilization hours of the thermal power generation units will rise to about 4 200 hours;and the electric power demand and supply will be in balance in China as a whole except for some local areas where power supply is insufficient,sub-regionally,the North China is deficient slightly in power supply,the East China,Central China and the South China are basically in balance between power demand and supply,while the Northeast,Northwest and Southwest have some surplus in power supply.%分析了2016年中国电力供需特点,对2017年电力供需形势进行了预测,提出了相关措施建议.2016年受实体经济稳中趋好、夏季高温天气、上年同期低基数等因素影响,全国用电形势呈现增速同比提高、动力持续转换、消费结构继续调整的特征,发电设备利用小时数为近52年新低.2017年中国电力需求增速将维持在5.0%~6.0%,全社会用电量将达到6.21万亿~6.27万亿kW·h;净增发电装机约1.2亿kW,年底总装机容量将达到17.7亿kW;火电设备利用小时数略有回升,达到4 200 h左右;全国电力供需总体平衡,但局部地区仍存在少量电力缺口,分区域看,华北电网电力供需偏紧,华东、华中、南方电网电力供需平衡有余,东北、西北、西南电网电力供应富余.



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