首页> 外文期刊>中国地震研究(英文版) >Analysis of Seismic Risk at an Engineering Site from Site Effect Seismic Intensity Data Using the Seismotectonic Method-Taking Six Reservoir Dam Sites in Western Anhui as an Example

Analysis of Seismic Risk at an Engineering Site from Site Effect Seismic Intensity Data Using the Seismotectonic Method-Taking Six Reservoir Dam Sites in Western Anhui as an Example


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The seismotectonic method is used to study the seismogenic structures and the maximum potential earthquake around an engineering site in order to determine the seismic risk at the site. Analysis of seismic risk from site effect seismic intensity data, in combination with regional seismo-geological data, using the seismotectonic method can provide a more reliable result. In this paper, taking the area of six reservoir dam sites in western Anhui as an example, we analyze the seismic risk from site effect seismic intensity data in combination with the seismotectonic conditions and find that P (I≥ i) = 10% over 50 years. The result shows that the seismogenic structure and the maximum potential earthquake have a controlling effect on seismic risk from future earthquakes in the area around the site.
机译:地震构造方法用于研究工程现场周围的地震构造和最大潜在地震,以确定现场的地震风险。利用地震构造方法,结合现场地震烈度数据和区域地震地质数据对地震风险进行分析,可以提供更为可靠的结果。本文以皖西地区六个水库大坝遗址为例,结合场地构造条件,结合场地效应地震烈度资料对地震风险进行了分析,发现在50年代P(I≥i)= 10%。年份。结果表明,发震构造和最大潜在地震对场地周围地区未来地震的地震风险具有控制作用。




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