首页> 中文期刊> 《敦煌研究 》 >肃南裕固族自治县上石坝河石窟的西游记故事壁画




Still a hot topic among scholars is discussion of the images about Monk Tang going to the West for Buddhist scriptures and the stories of that Journey to the West. In recent years, a systematic and comprehensive investigation and research on such images in Gansu has been carried out. Information about and images of some wall paintings in previously little known medium or small grottoes has been publicized, creating a larger space for further research. While checking and reading these new materials and the results thereof, the author finds that individual images in Gansu caves seem never to be publicized or recorded. The story painting of the Journey to the West at the Shangshibahe Grottoes is an example. The author had a chance to visit the caves recently, and would like to briefly introduce it here as a supplement.%  学术界对唐僧取经及西游记故事相关图像的研讨,正方兴未艾。近年以来,对该类图像在甘肃境内的流布,又展开了较系统全面的调查与研讨,在媒体上发布了过去罕为人知的部分中小石窟或寺观壁画相关信息和图像资料,进一步拓展了人们的视野。笔者在查阅与拜读这些新资料、新成果时,发现甘肃境内中小石窟中现存西游记故事图像尚有个别遗漏,至今似未曾被收入,也未见公布。如张掖市肃南县上石坝河石窟的西游记故事画。笔者在前些时候有幸前往该石窟参观调查。现就此做初步介绍,权为其补充。



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