首页> 中文期刊>残疾人研究 >我国农村残疾人贫困状况分析




One typical characteristic of poverty problem in China is the large scale of population that lived in poverty and had limited ways to move out. Compared to urban residents and healthy people, rural disabled people were dual disadvantaged. Rural people with disabilities were a major part of population in poverty in China, and poverty among rural disabled people has become a main public health problem. However, it is lack of data and research by now. In this study, using the surveillance data of rural disabled people during 2007-2010 and based on four standards of poverty, the authors analyzed the degree of poverty and dynamic poverty conditions in rural disabled group. The results indicated that the prevalence of poverty in rural disabled people has dropped slightly, poverty rate maintains high among rural people with disabilities. The problem of Inequity of income is serious among rural disabled people. Moreover, from the perspective of dynamic analysis, most of their poverty cases were temporary ones.%  我国贫困问题的突出表现之一是剩余贫困人口规模庞大,脱贫困难。农村残疾人相对于城市居民和健全人具有双重的脆弱性,是剩余贫困人口的重要组成部分,农村残疾人贫困问题亟待重视和解决。然而目前对于该问题的研究还较少。本文利用2007~2010年度农村残疾人状况监测调查数据,采用四条贫困线标准,计算农村残疾人的贫困程度和动态贫困状况,并进行比较分析。结果显示,近年来农村残疾人贫困发生率有所下降,贫困深度稍有缓解但仍处于较高水平,农村残疾人收入不平等等状况突出。从动态角度来看,农村残疾人贫困多为暂时性贫困。



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