首页> 中文期刊>数字图书馆论坛 >北京大学本科生校图书馆利用对学习的影响调查研究




为了探究北京大学本科同学对校图书馆的利用情况及其与本科同学学习能力、学习成果的关系,采用问卷调查的研究设计方法,以及描述统计、方差分析、相关分析等数据分析方法,探究北京大学本科同学对图书馆整体利用水平以及不同资源的利用情况,并进一步分析不同程度与不同偏向的图书馆利用情况的学生在学习上的差异性。研究结果表明北大本科生对校图书馆的整体利用水平较高,但对新型资源、图书馆培训服务等新型资源的利用水平相对较低;研究还表明对校图书馆整体利用程度、特定资源利用程度不同的北大本科生在学习能力、学习成果上存在显著差异。%This research makes a deep and statistical analysis of the undergraduate students of Peking University's utilization of their col ege library and its correlation with the students learning skil s and academic performance. With data col ected from survey and the method of Variance Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Descriptive Analysis and so on, we found that the undergraduates of Peking University's overal utilization level of its library is high, but the usage of the multimedia resource and the searching skil learning service offered by the library is relatively low. At the same time, students of different general utilization level and specific resource of PKU's library differs significantly in their academic performance.



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