首页> 中文期刊> 《数字图书馆论坛》 >国际预印本平台的主要发展态势研究




在开放获取、开放科研等大潮的影响下,预印本和基于预印本平台的学术交流得到科学界高度关注.本文对2013年以来国际上预印本平台建设的相关情况进行总结梳理,研究提出当前国际预印本发展的7个主要态势.研究表明,以arXiv、SSRN为代表的传统预印本平台,通过可持续发展模式探索,赢来大发展;以BioRXiv、ChemRXiv等为代表的新预印本平台如雨后春笋般纷纷推出,带来预印本平台的大繁荣;而在科学界,基于论文手稿的预印本交流模式得到学术团体、学协会、科技管理机构、基金组织,甚至传统出版商的广泛认可,表明以学界自治为基础的预印本学术交流模式正在改变传统的以期刊为主体的学术交流模式.%Influenced by open access and open science movement, preprints and the Academic communication based on preprint servers have received great at ention from the scientific community. This paper summarizes the status of the international preprint serversince 2013 and proposes seven main trends of current international preprint development. It is found out that traditional preprint servers, such as arXiv and SSRN, have seen gorgeous achievements by exploring a sustainable development model. Also, some new preprint servers, such as bioRxiv, ChemRxiv, have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years, bringing prosperity for preprint servers. Moreover, for scientific community, the Academic communication model with manuscripts of research articles has won extensive recognition from academic groups, societies, science and technology management institutions, the IMF, and even the traditional publishers. It indicates that the scholarly communication based on the preprints is changing the traditional Academic communication model in which journals are as the main body.



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