首页> 中文期刊> 《世界干细胞杂志:英文版(电子版)》 >Search for naive human pluripotent stem cells

Search for naive human pluripotent stem cells



Normal mouse pluripotent stem cells were originally derived from the inner cell mass(ICM) of blastocysts and shown to be the in vitro equivalent of those pre-implantation embryonic cells, and thus were called embryonic stem cells(ESCs). More than a decade later, pluripotent cells were isolated from the ICM of human blastocysts. Despite being called human ESCs, these cells differ significantly from mouse ESCs, including different morphology and mechanisms of control of pluripotency, suggesting distinct embryonic origins of ESCs from the two species. Subsequently, mouse pluripotent stem cells were established from the ICMderived epiblast of post-implantation embryos. These mouse epiblast stem cells(Epi SCs) are morphological and epigenetically more similar to human ESCs. This raised the question of whether cells from the human ICM are in a more advanced differentiation stage than their murine counterpart, or whether the available culture conditions were not adequate to maintain those human cells in their in vivo state, leading to a transition into Epi SC-like cells in vitro. More recently, novel culture conditions allowed the conversion of human ESCs into mouse ESC-like cells called nave(or ground state) human ESCs, and the derivation of nave human ESCs from blastocysts. Here we will review the characteristics of each type of pluripotent stem cells, how(and whether) these relate to different stages of embryonic development, and discuss the potential implications of nave human ESCs in research and therapy.



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