首页> 中文期刊> 《软件工程与应用(英文)》 >Fuzzy Controller-Based Design and Simulation of an Automatic Parking System

Fuzzy Controller-Based Design and Simulation of an Automatic Parking System



With the development of automatic driving and fuzzy theory, people pay more and more attention to the application of fuzzy logic in engineering technology. The automatic parking module in the automatic driving system has always been the focus of research. Automatic parking modules can greatly assist drivers in parking operations, greatly reduce parking difficulties and make people more convenient and fast parking. In this paper, an automatic parking system based on the fuzzy controller is proposed. The fuzzy controller of automatic parking system is constructed by using fuzzy theory, and the robustness of the whole system is examined by fuzzy logic. Firstly, the vehicle motion rules and trajectory changes are analyzed in detail, and the real parking lot model is simulated. Then, the input and output variables of the whole system are analyzed by fuzzy theory and the membership function is constructed. Based on the experience of human experts, the parking rules are tested and summarized, and a reasonable and practical rule base is established. Finally, MATLAB is used to code, build the visual interface of parking lot and vehicles, and draw the cyclic iterative function to detect the vehicle position and direction angle, so as to act as a sensor. The results show that using a fuzzy controller to construct an automatic parking system can effectively improve the parking level.



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