


"戏头" 一词出自宋代周密《武林旧事》卷四"乾淳教坊乐部"中的"杂剧三甲".明人胡应麟认为"戏头"即生也,王国维及后世学者认为"戏头"或即末泥,也有学者认为"戏头"乃引戏.本文认为,"戏头"并非宋金杂剧脚色,而是戏曲演出的组织者和管理者,相当于民间戏班的班主,是"杂剧一甲"的灵魂,还是集"末泥"、"引戏"、"装旦"、"装孤"技艺于一身的全能型演员,可以随时替补或应工其他脚色.;The term "Xi Tou" originated from "three theatrical troupes of Zaju", which was recorded in the fourth volume "The Music Academy in Qianchun Period" of Old Story of Martial Arts written by Zhou Mi in Song Dynasty. Scholar Hu Yinglin believed that "Xi Tou" referred to Sheng while Wang Guowei and later scholars argued that it possibly meant Mo Ni. It was also regarded as Yin Xi. The author suggests that instead of a role in Zaju in Song and Jin dynasties, Ban Tou is in fact an organizer and manager in Chinese opera performance, an equivalent of a troupe lead, the soul of one theatrical troupes of Zaju and an all-around actor who is always ready to be a substitute.



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