首页> 中文期刊> 《外文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 >Study on Reactive Compensation Strategy and Compensation Capacity Control of Metro Power Supply System

Study on Reactive Compensation Strategy and Compensation Capacity Control of Metro Power Supply System


With the parallel development of power supply system and compensation technology, reactive power compensation technology is increasingly widely used. The application of reactive power compensation technology in subway power supply system can solve the problems of harmonic, voltage fluctuation and low power factors. It can make the power factor of the power supply system conform to the power grid operation specifications, reduce the voltage fluctuation, harmonic and other problems, and have the impact on the subway power system. According to the actual operation of the power supply system in the subway, the power factor can be improved by properly controlling the reactive power compensation strategy to ensure the stable operation of the power supply system in the subway.



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